Phone Nr.: +371 28643874 Krimuldas 2, Riga, Latvia, LV-1039
  • School

    The school allows individual pupils to follow their interests, while still imparting a common core of knowledge and rigorous challenges. Every pupil has a  chance to reach the highest standards of which he or she is capable.

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  • Kindergarten

    To become a successful adult it is vital to get the skills right at a very early age. The Preparatory school (ages 2 - 6) provides a broad and rich curriculum geared to educating the whole child.

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  • Summer camp

    Summer camp offers a wide variety of activities for pupils, and all children are encouraged to find something they enjoy.

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  • Projects

    Taking part in variety of Europian project helps to enjoy studies, gives more opportunities to travel, see another culuture and, of course, make new good friends.

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Our team took part in the competition of lego robots in sumo

In October during the project meeting in Czech Republic the focus was on construction and programming of lego robots. Eugenie (9b) and Richard (8a) were really challenged by this. When back at home they were joined by Daniel (9b) and Ernests (8a). On 15 December our team took part in the competition of lego robots in sumo.

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School Newspaper "KLASIKA TIMES" Nr. 41, October 2018

Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible. /Francis of Assisi

eTwinning project "Math, Art and Real Life with GeoGebra" 2018

As art unites us all through beauty, harmony, and science, this project wants to bring students (11-15) closer to math & science by using art. One main objective of this project is discovering math in art and in real life as well, modeling and simulating real phenomena with the help of GeoGebra program. Another important objective was to collaborate internationally to create a collection of materials made by students for students.

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Congratulations to the winners!

Congratulations to the winners! In the age category 12-15 years, in a competition of 300 projects, won the project ICT World 2017




My third rule was always to strive to conquer yourself rather than fate, to change the desires rather that the order of the world. Generally, it is necessary to get used to the idea that these are only our thoughts which are in our full power. 

R. Descartes